Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week Four: Sunscreen

Please watch the following video, and answer the questions below:

If you could make a video as a message to your past self, what would you say? What would be the main theme of your video, the main message? (such as: wear sunscreen.) What approach would you take with yourself? Would you tell yourself the advice in a straight-forward way, or would your past self take some convincing? What kind of visuals would you use? What would be some minor themes to support your major theme?

Try to keep your responses to approximately 200 words. Take your time to think about the answers.

Answer the initial prompt by Wednesday, September 18, midnight. Respond to a classmate by Friday, September 20, midnight.

Response: Ask your classmate a question about his/her post. The question should continue to be respectful, and should provoke your classmate to think more deeply about the message s/he is sending to him/herself.


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  2. Take the leap….. Stop debating, stop questioning, and stop procrastinating. Take the leap. Join the football team, ask her out, and say yes. When a situation presents itself and there’s not an obvious reason not to, do it! Otherwise you’ll look back on those moments and wonder…. What if? Trust me, that’s not a question you want to ask yourself. Worst case, it’s a bad decision, and you live and learn. It’s better to try and know, then remain idle and never find out.
    I think a direct approach would be the most effective for me, with a few examples, because I would need specific events brought to my attention in order to accept it. Some images would be my high school football field, an old crush’s face, and pictures comparing someone sitting at home against someone who is out with friends having fun. There would obviously be a picture of someone standing on the edge of a cliff about to take the leap. And the video would end with a picture of the person hitting the water.

    1. I completley agree, there is no greater regret than regeting not doing something, but is it realy the best course of action. I mean a person can talk themselves up all day and build up all the courge but some will still hesitate. I guess the question i want to leave with is this, what do you do afterwards, how would feel, and what could be the benefits.

  3. The main theme of my video would be: Do what feels right. I would bring up the plan about attending Denver Comic Con as valid legitimacy of my future self and have visuals of various super heroes and cosplayers to make the video more appealing. I would also bring up a few forthcoming issues about college and my current job to really back up my theme. By than it should captivate my younger self to reflect on this video. With another minute to spare I would describe the minor consequences that would later linger in my future mind which would ultimately make me look at life in a whole new perspective. My final statement to end the video would be: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction".

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  5. Slow down: the main messaeg of my video. Life is fleeting but make up for rushed mistakes take forever. Slow down and do it right the first time. Do not miss the mistakes. If it is done right and slowly the first time it will get done slower but not sloppier.
    i can not seem to get the hang of it now. maybe with practice it could happen

    1. what mistakes would you change in order to better yourself?

    2. Everyone has made some kind of mistakes in their life that has slow us down from accomplishing what we want from our life, but you must know which ones so you can changed them and become or do what you really want from yourself. Help me understand by at list listing the reasons that stopped you from accomplishing your goals.

  6. In the beginning of the video it will show a school paper with a capital F in red. Then I would explain to myself that if you don’t take the time to study and spend your life around parties, then that picture is going to be reality to you. If you decide not to study before you took your AP calculus test in high school, but instead go to a party, you have no chance of passing it. While I’m saying this, the picture would go to a person studying then flash to a picture of a wild party and then a disappointed student on the verge of crying. Then, in big letters, have the word study. The main focus is to take time to study and it will pay off. In addition, it would not only prepare you for the calculus test but for the opportunity for college. College admissions are going to see your transcript and notice if you tried or not. The picture in the background now would be of a college admission person looking through applications. Then to conclude the video the word study would be in big font and saying it could be the deciding factor of your future in a college setting.

    1. How convincing would your video be to your younger self if they had the mentality of a rebellious teen wanting to explore the wild side of life and just have fun rather than think about school or even consider to try hard and think about their future success?

      From that question, would your video be very effective to your younger self? Would it convince your younger self that this video is really you at an older age instead of some sort of advertisement that has a look alike of you.

  7. Your parents get divorced when you are 7. The next 11 years are a merry-go-round of emotions with your Mom constantly bad-mouthing your Dad. Don't take her side. No matter what she says to you about your Dad, understand that every word she says is cushioned in her pain. It is all colored by her anger and misery. Don't let her attitude become your attitude. Don't let her pain teach you to be cautious with others. Talk to your Dad. Tell him that you love him every chance you get. Meet life with an open heart and a willingness to love. Their divorce has nothing to do with you and there is no reason that you have to make a choice between them. Let them fight each other. Let them rant and rave and call each other names. Just remember that in the end, they are your parents and you love them both. Their fight is not your fight. Ask questions when you are with your Dad. Write down his history and save that information. Save all those old pictures. Create new memories with your Dad that don't involve your Mom. Replace those feelings of guilt with feelings of joy. Get to know your step-sisters, even when your Mom tells you not to. They are the only siblings you will ever have. Hug your Step-Mom and tell her that you love her. She wants love and acceptance just like everyone else does. Your Mom will be angry about this but it is a relationship that you will want later in life.

    Instinctively, I already know all of these things when I am young but my Mom was a very strong presence and she tended to block everything else out of my life. I would definitely show pictures of being with my Dad and explain that the destruction of this relationship are far-reaching and would still impact me in adulthood.

    1. Very deep and well thought out. You provided excellent background for your "thesis". Maybe a little more detail about the images you would use. very open and honest post. excellent!

  8. I could make a message or a video to my younger self I would say offer advice and say:

    Dear Reber,
    I know you haven’t a clue as to what you would like to be when you’re older, but you could trust me when I say it will come to you as if the world just suddenly makes since. You’ll find comfort in knowing and confidence in your choice. I cannot stress enough that this choice of yours requires a large amount of mathematic s and dedication. Please stop what you’re doing or cancel what you are planning and study for Mr.Pettegrews math class. I know what you’re doing helps you forget about your struggles at home, but if you do not listen, your struggles only become worse! Apply yourself and focus. You have amazing potential, you know that and that’s possibly the reason you’re rebelling. The knowledge you have will not apply in the future if you don’t have the brain cells to remember, now would it? Do this for us, we deserve this! I can give 4 reasons why you should apply yourself now instead of later. Brace yourself because this will not sugar coat the truth for you…

    1. You have a nice topic sentence and I liked how you ended it.I liked the way you told yourself the key event at which your life changed and how you should handle it. Now, having that said, what would your then self do? Would she have listened to you?

  9. If I had to say one thing to my past self, just one, it would probably be to live not to exsist. It has been said before in many ways, shapes, and songs but not once has it hit harder than the fist you realize that you have done nothing the entire time you've been exsisting. Don't let others dictate what you find improtant even if their right, don't give up just because your wrong because your not, as long as its something you believe in and treasure. If you do let up you will regreat it, maby not in the next hour or day but one day you'll look back and say why did I let them say that, its not true. Fight for what you can't defend, if you like something that others find weired or unorthodocs tune the others out the only opinion that matters it always will and it always has. Take matters into your own hands, if no one will help don't wait, do it there are only two outcomes you either succed or don't if it doesn't kill you why not try. It may seem like this is some kind of self prep paragraph and there is a reason for this, cause no matters times you hear one from someone close to you or by a complete stranger, it never truley hits harder than that day when your sitting alone with nothing but work to do and say quetly to yourself. I realy wish I woulda lived a little.

    1. I agree with you to the fullest, in that you should live life to the fullest. You should do what makes you feel right, because you are not here to please anyone but yourself. Make memories and collect treasure alone the way. Don't let anyone stop you.

  10. Keep your head up and hold it high because soon enough all the name calling and teasing will be over. I know at times when you feel down and don’t like how people down talk on you making jokes about you and giving you nick names that you don’t like. Well just to let you know as you get older you will learn how maneuver around the situations people put you in. Like if they crack a joke on you at school in front of your friends just to make them get off the subject faster just laugh like it was funny or even just go along with it and crack one back on them. Maybe you could even just give them the dead eyes stare like that was the dumbest joke ever I know you can do better than that. So keep that head up high and don’t get discourage when people talk about you because it don’t matter what they say.

    1. This is an interesting topic. Is there one specific event that stands out in your mind where you felt particularly put down and discouraged by the way someone was treating you? How did you react at that moment and how do you think you could have responded to that situation in a way that would have changed how you see people today?

  11. stay in school, no matter what happens, no matter how broke you are. When you are young and fresh out of high school, not sure of your future. Press on and at least for me you gave up on college because you told yourself college was not for you then tried to make a career out of what you already know like your cake decorating, instead of going to school to become a physical therpist, you really enjoyed working with people you let the mear thought of school scar you and it was not because of that you had one heck of a life style so many ups and downs you care to remember. What where you thinking, If you could just go back.If you could just start over. you would be happier in your marriage, your home life not so stressed in the finanical department, you would not have the debt that you failed to pay off on time, you would be living in your own house with the garden you have always wanted.

    1. How would you make your younger self understand your reasoning? Would you have listened to this advice or would it require more or different support to get your younger self's attention?

  12. I would tell myself to be grateful for everything that was put forth in my possession, as life and the many obstacles we face can easily be taken for granted. Being that I’m a person crazy about my family, the approach I would have taken with myself would be trying to rationalize with the young Jacqee and asking myself, what If I had only a couple months left with someone in my family? I would then ask myself how I would change my actions during that time. Of course I would be completely honest with myself, because if I don't give myself that much respect, how could I expect others to do the same? The visuals I would share to myself, would be random pictures of people who are willing to share a story and who have less than what I was and are blessed with. I'm very appreciative when I see someone who has it worse than I do, always have been. Some minor approaches I would present to myself would of course be the details of some of the things I have been through, keeping in mind that life is about ups and downs, and that I am not the only one who goes through things, going back to never taking life for granted. My ending picture would be a picture of myself and things that I have worked hard towards and things that I possess, alongside of all of those things being taken, lost or thrown away at any given time. My theme would be mirrors.

  13. If I could make a video message to myself in the past the main theme would be that just because you are bored doesn't mean you should cause mischief. Instead of always getting in trouble you should put more effort into other aspects of life. I would show pictures of the many great things young people have accomplished and use those to try and push myself to become a better person.

    1. B,by being bored and in result, causing mischief, is this something your post relates to in your life, if yes how so? Also, if so what is one thing you would change and/or have learned, from the actions?

  14. A shoe polish wooden box with many different colors of waters to match all types of shoes; don't forget the brushes and rags to make all your shoes shine. If I was going to tell you something; shining your shoes is it. If I could make a video it would be about what I should have done. I would go back and tell myself not to leave home at the age of 16 and live along in a small room for ten dollars a week, while I was still attending High School and delivering newspapers to pay rent. Ignorance can be dangerous, always listen to others when giving you advice and follow some of them; and if you do you could have a much better life. Another mistake I made was to mail to girlfriends one picture of me from basic training instead of just one; and if I would have done the right thing I would be happily married to my present wife for over thirty years instead of just two. My advised to me when I was younger and now that I’m older is to always regardless of the circumstances was and is to be honest and never lie to the one you love, and if you follow that rule you will be together forever. The rule of honesty and integrity are values respected by everyone and if you follow them you will have a decent life.

    1. This was amazing! You really captured me. I wish I had more detailed ,I know it's a blog but you've captured my attention and I really would like to know your full story. Thanks for sharing.
      The downside to this is that you touch up on what feels like is too many topics. Focus and elaborate on maybe one or two? I'm not sure. Yet again I know this is just the blog.

  15. Works nightmare, is what i would call my short film. Based on a time in my life i was suppose to get a job that could have forever altered my life. I ended up not being qualified for the posotion, because io did not have the skiils it took to perform the job. I would tell myself to never get upset about loosing a job. You dont need to give up on life just because you didnt get that job that would have put you in different circumstances. I would incorporate pictures of people exceling and quotes to inspire me to always carry on.

    1. Melissa, do you mind if I ask exactly what that job was that seemed so beneficial? Also what qualifications were needed? Is there any possibilities of you being a candidate for that job again, yet being qualified for round two?

  16. As I am a visual and tactile learner, I would make a video collage of my marriage to my first husband, with the years flashing between scenes. I would show the late nights waiting for him to come home, ending in early morning arguments. I would make snapshots of him sitting stoned or high in our messy living room as I drag myself in from a long workday. I would show a video of my daughter at six years old waiting alone at school as the sun sets with the teacher coming to tell her that I am coming from work to get her. She would tell the teacher, “But Daddy was supposed to get me.” I would also show the stacks of unpaid bills, with him laughing, smoking, and playing video games in the background. All through this would be a continuous soundtrack of my ex-husband’s voice saying, “I’m sorry, I’ll change” followed by my voice replying “It’s OK, I forgive you” until the end. On the final cycle I would reply with the words I used when I told him I was leaving, “It’s not OK, I can’t forgive you anymore. Forgiveness is divine, but I’m only human”

  17. I made this video to convince you not to abandon your car in Phoenix (image of myself standing next to my car smiling).It is a decision you will greatly regret. The bus ride from Phoenix back to Colorado Springs will be horrible (image of a crowded, dirty Greyhound). Twenty-six hours will be spent fighting off the creepy man in the next seat who tries to molest you every time you fall asleep (image of a degenerate man looming over my sleeping form). You will be left at the bus station for a full day waiting for a ride home, and eventually be forced to walk across the city when no ride comes. The next three years will be spent paying inordinate amounts of cash on cab rides to and from work. Walking everywhere will be necessary, even when it is snowing or raining (slowly panned images of myself walking in inclement weather). Lack of transportation will keep you from accepting new jobs with the potential for higher income (images of a sad me with empty pockets pulled out). Think this through, and do not abandon that car.

    1. I thought this was a great video idea and it encompassed a lot of evidence to present your younger self as well as pictures to back up the ideas. My only question is why you made the decision. Perhaps you can tell are thinking you should abandon your car because "fill in the blank here" but here are the reasons why this is a bad decision. And then continue with what you have written above.

  18. If I were to create a video of advice for myself I would make it about my wrestling career throughout high school. It would take strong visuals to motivate me into seeing that I’ve worked hard for what I’ve achieved and that I am capable of achieving more. I would use old videos of some of my matches where I won and videos of my wrestling idols. It would also benefit me to see some matches I’ve lost and study what I could have done in order to win. This way I would be completely aware of my strengths and weaknesses. I would need visuals of what it feels like to win and what it feels like to lose to make sure I never get ahead of myself and always think I’ll win no matter what. My video about wrestling and how I could achieve my goals would help me realize my full potential and motivate me to do my best.
